Miraculous London Special Episode


Miraculous London Special Episode

“Miraculous World: London – on the outskirts of time” (or simply “Miracullu London”) [2] is a 50 -minute special television movie Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir. Since it is based on the command for writing and release, it is the fourth film in The Miracullous World Series. [3]

Miraculous World Synopsis

In normal Bunnyx sees that the windows of time disappear one by one … the future disappears. What’s the matter? At the same time, Marinette wakes up at home and finds that someone in Paris has given wishes thanks to the miracles of cats and ladybugs.
He has to turn into a ladybug quickly … but she realizes he doesn’t have earrings anymore!
Fortunately, Bunnyx gets just before he clears everything.
Together Bunnyx and Marinette, who have become Chronobug, will have to save the future by finding out who found out that Marinette is a ladybug, when and how to steal this person miraculous. Marinette realizes that a miraculous butterfly now has a new owner! All that remains is to hope for one thing: Ladybug will succeed in the defeat of his opponent, otherwise it will be the end of the sole forever forever. [4]
Disney Channel France
To save the future, Marinette, now Chronobug, must be associated with Bunnyx to solve the secrets of the one who discovered the secret identity of the ladybug. Because this person also managed to catch miraculous ladybugs and all in a miraculous box. During her adventure, the heroine learns that a thief who discovered the final secret is also a new bearer of a miraculous butterfly. The only hope of Marinette is to succeed in finding this opponent, which is hidden somewhere in time. Otherwise it will be the end of Ladybug. [5]
Marinette must travel time to save the future.


Special was first announced on the Comic Conperience panel (CCXP) 5 December 2020. [6]
On April 18, 2021, it was unveiled during the licensing Russian panel that the specialty was scheduled to release 2024. It was also revealed that Miss Rose, the upcoming television series, will serve as a specialty. However, both projects were pushed back because the script for the specialty has not yet been written. [7]
As revealed on the CV Fred Lenoir, the script was finally written in 2022, before “Miracle Paris” and Season 6. [3]
Sometime later in Amazon, an adaptation of a special book Hachette Jeunesse was added to the Amazon with the date of June 1. The date was most likely a mistake because it was not even announced in its current form and was soon in its production, but that means it was green. [8]
As revealed on the LinkedIn profile for the Antoine Poirine profile and Louise Reynaud’s profile, the scenario was made between May and August 2023. [9] [10]
During 2023, it was added to the Isan register as “End of Ladybug”, with the preliminary date of issue 31. August 2024. [11]
On the panel in Galaxycon Richmond in March 2024, Lee revealed that she recorded lines for Special. [12]
In the March issue of licenses, it was stated that the specialty should be published in the fourth quarter of the year. [13]
During April Esra Weisz, Cristina Vee, Sabrina Weisz, Bryce Patenbrook, Keith Silverstein and Selah Victor mentioned that they record lines, seemingly for special. [14] [16] [17] [18] [19 19] [20] It is interesting that Gabriel and Chloé eventually had no new lines in the episode.
On May 17, Ezra Weisz published a picture of a session in Dubbing Brothers. [21]
21.-23. In May, two posters and final title were introduced at the Licensing Las Vegas exhibition. [2] [22]
May 25 Ambassador Zag Angrien Aggius revealed that the new form of Ladybug will be called Chronobug. [23]
11th June was shown by a trailer for specialty on Spec and the updated date of issue of autumn 2024 was revealed. [24] [25] The same information and the trailer would be listed on CON 28.-29. August [26]
12th August Cristina Vee published the story of Instagram in Dubbing Brothers, in which an unfinished shot from the specialty can be seen in the reflection of the window. [27]
4th September TF1 revealed the synopsis for a special and complete French title. [4]
5th September in an interview with ¡Decerta América! [28]
17th September released on the Internet TF1 recording her conference on the back of the facade and introduced a new trailer. [29] On the same day Disney Channel France announced the global premiere of specialty 5 October [1]
September 23 Disney Channel France released a new depiction of Chronobug and Bunnyx. [30]


Special start in La Plage, where you can see the Cerise Bianca table; There are excellent items on the table, including a note holder with a note, three watches, time travel, two phones, a map, a trapped nooroo and its miraculous. Nooroo tries to escape, but stuck in a magical bubble. Then there is a time start, de-strict and reveals as Cerise Bianco. He looks into the laptop and smiles, then plunges into the spectral stroller, super -kulinus with ghost themes. Nooroo tries to warn her of the consequences, but Spectral Looter ignores him and disappears into the ground. Nooroo unfortunately says, “That’s the end.”
After opening, Bunnyx is open and his two future self are seen on the lair with the Granny Bunnyx lair ending as a winner, taking into account the victory that she and the other two received. Suddenly she and the adult Bunnyx start to disappear and the adult Bunnyx tells her younger self, it’s the end of time. Panic Bunnyx, uncertain about what to do, except that she wishes the heads-up of her future self, and looks at a short recapitulation of the series through the lair, from “origin” to “re-creation”. Then suddenly the circular window she looked at. Bunnyx is trying to find another window, but more and more of them disappear until Bunnyx finds the one that contains the fear of Marinette, because another wish is likely to occur when they realize that there is a huge problem.
Meanwhile, Cosmo Bug Noire flies to London on the current timeline to liberate Adrien and Kagami, and inform them about Gabrielin’s death. He then arrives in the building and progresses to Kagami’s room and fires the door with its cataclysm. Kagami asks her if she’s “it”. Noire melancholic error then reacts with YES, but Kagami wants to be sure which heroine reacts to “over”. Then he tells Kagami that Adrien cannot know that his father is super -vdillain, but Kagami then says Bug Noire, that he is blinded by love, but if her wish, then it will honor it.

By David

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