Miraculous Ladybug Season 5 Episode 11 Deflagration English Dub


Miraculous Ladybug Season 5 Episode 11 Synopsis:

Adrien has his television set to TVi’s coverage of the events following “Transmission” at the site of Kikou’s defeat: Les Olympiades. Clara Contard is interviewing the newly appointed holders of the Ladybug and Cat Miraculouses: Scarabella and Kitty Noire. Clara inquires if Ladybug and Cat Noir had been compelled to resign. Scarabella hesitates to respond right away, but she does remark that their predecessors have nothing to feel guilty about. Kitty Noire adds that, similar to their predecessors, they will fulfill their duty of ending Monarch’s reign.

Miraculous Ladybug Season 5 Episode 11

Clara then suggests that Ladybug and Cat Noir may have given up their Miraculouses to preserve their alleged love story. Scarabella replies that neither Ladybug and Cat Noir, nor herself and Kitty Noire, are in love or involved in a relationship. Clara further asks for their names. The new heroes introduce themselves with their new hero identities before leaving. The broadcast shifts to Nadja, who wishes Scarabella and Kitty Noire all the best in their mission.

Adrien switches off his television. He checks his phone for messages from Marinette, but there are none. He approaches his foosball table, places a ball down, and sadly strikes the ball into the goal to his right. He checks his phone for messages from Marinette again, still finding nothing. He despondently rests his torso on the foosball table.

Scarabella flies back to her apartment, lands in her room, and transforms back into Alya. She asks Tikki how she performed as Scarabella. Tikki regretfully responds that she was amazing. This leads Alya to feel that she messed up. Tikki reassures Alya that she did great; she just misses Marinette. Tikki hears Ella and Etta about to rush into Alya’s room, so she hides in her bag. The twins inform Alya that Marinette has arrived. Marinette presents the twins with the chouquettes she brought, and the twins cheerfully run off. Marinette shares her approval of Tikki’s choice for a new holder. Tikki emerges from her hiding place and hugs Marinette’s face. Alya remarks that Marinette’s mood has improved.

Marinette unexpectedly receives a call from Adrien, and she answers, feeling flustered. He informs her that he left his bag at her place and asks if he can come to retrieve it, to which she declines. Marinette assures Adrien that she will bring him his bag the following day and hangs up. Embarrassed, Marinette sits down and covers her face with her hands. Alya inquires about what happened between Marinette and Adrien. Marinette tells her about Adrien’s idea to raise his hand. Marinette anxiously asks Alya if she believes Kitty Noire and Scarabella can handle Monarch and expresses that Alya should keep her identity from her boyfriend Nino. Alya advises her not to stress over it, as it’s now up to Scarabella and Kitty to bear that responsibility. Alya urges Marinette to focus on Adrien instead.

On the roof of Le Grand Paris, Kitty Noire shifts back into Zoé. Plagg commends Zoé for her triumph, stating she would be a fitting holder if she possessed a cheese cellar. She informs him that Le Grand Paris is home to the largest cheese cellar in Paris. This greatly delights Plagg. Zoé cautions Plagg to be careful, to which he concurs and conceals himself in her hat. Zoé takes the elevator all the way down to the sixth floor, where the restaurant’s cheese cellar is located. Zoé stealthily enters the kitchen to find her half-sister Chloé devouring ice cream. Chloé erupts at Zoé. She expresses her apologies to her half-sister and inquires how she can atone for it. Chloé insists that Zoé carry a bunch of her shoes to Zoé’s room for cleaning. Plagg, furious at how Zoé is treated by Chloé, reveals he could Cataclysm her. Zoé advises him against it. Plagg reiterates his anger over Zoé’s mistreatment. She reminds Plagg that she needs to keep a low profile to conceal her secret identity.

Gabriel ascends into his atelier, he grins and begins to dance to a song playing on a radio. He dances out of his atelier door into the lobby, he twirls up the stairs to slide down the banister where he halts in front of his assistant Nathalie. Nathalie asks what has come over him. Gabriel questions if she can detect something. She wonders if he is making pancakes, to which Gabriel refutes. He proclaims it’s even better and spins her around. Gabriel escorts Nathalie to his atelier and activates his Alliance. It has recorded data beyond normal human abilities from other Alliances: Alya’s and Zoé’s. Nathalie congratulates Gabriel, he triumphantly queries Nathalie if she can now sense the aroma of victory as he descends into his lair. Nathalie gazes at the portrait of Émilie with unease. Gabriel converses with his comatose wife about his forthcoming victory. Nathalie, in her room, voices her concerns regarding Gabriel’s plans into her phone along with videos of Émilie.

Gabriel informs his captive kwamis that they will play their roles in his scheme and his knowledge of the secret identities of Scarabella and Kitty Noire. Gabriel transforms into Monarch. He seizes the incredible superpowers of Pollen, Mullo, Orikko, Stompp, and Kaalki. He utilizes Voyage to teleport to François Dupont. Daizzi inquires of Sass what they can do to thwart Monarch. Sass responds that he fears there may be nothing they can do.

Adrien seizes the chance presented by this distraction to take the Ladybug exceptional. Monarch attempts to reclaim it, but is quickly overwhelmed by Ivan, Kim, and Rose. Adrien hands over the Ladybug astonishing to Marinette. She expresses her gratitude and transforms into Ladybug. She shouts her incredible Ladybug, which resolves the disaster and the Cat amazing, bringing back Plagg. Ladybug reacts swiftly and retrieves the Cat marvelous. In the process, she notices Monarch has transformed the incredible into jewelry. He views her wonder as a chance to break free from her hold. Marinette makes another attempt to capture him with her yo-yo, but Monarch uses Multitude to evade her and returns to his lair via Voyage. Monarch reassembles, wipes the condiments from his face, and mourns the victory of Ladybug and the Resistance.

At Marinette’s residence, in her room with Alya, Tikki, and Plagg inquire about how Monarch discovered Scarabella and Kitty Noire’s secret identities so quickly. Marinette notes that while Scarabella and Kitty Noire were exposed, Monarch has yet to uncover Ladybug or Cat Noir’s secret identities. Marinette instructs Plagg to return his miraculous to Cat Noir. Plagg requests to say farewell to Kitty Noire first, which Marinette agrees to. Zoé, in her room, is curled up in a ball, feeling sad because she thinks she let down as Kitty Noire. Plagg reassures her and persuades her that she was an excellent holder and very brave for standing up to Chloé. He advises Zoé not to let anyone intimidate her. Zoé offers Plagg a wrapped piece of camembert. This makes Plagg thrilled. He proclaims he is proud to be Zoé’s kwami and departs for Adrien’s house. As she watches Plagg leave, her smile turns into a frown and she curls back up into a ball. Later that night at Jardins du Trocadéro, Ladybug and Cat Noir remark that their duo is the only successful method. They commend their kwamis and the Resistance and clap in honor of them.

By Dev

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