Miraculous Season 4 Episode 26 strike back English

Miraculous Ladybug Season 4 Episode 26 Strike Back


Miss Bustier organized a football match that introduced her students with the values ​​of sport and pleasure to play together. Marinette, who loves football, does the best to save the game, even if Chloe is determined to do everything to destroy a happy moment. Chloe really hates football. But when he faced an unwavering marinet, which includes her in the game against her will, Chloe’s anger achieves historically the highest. And she just hopes for one thing now … she’s avenging.
Ladybug and her superhero face penalteam.
During the school football match Chloé cloned the Supervillain team. To defeat them, Marinette assembles his own assembly.


The episode starts at the Parc des Princes, Kim and Marinette as the team’s captains and choose their teammates from Miss Bustier for football. Kim chooses Max to help him discover the best player to help win the match. Max’s robot, Markov, points to Alya, but unfortunately Marinette chose it. Kim continues to help, but Marinette says he’s cheating. Chloé tries to leave the game and says it is obvious who will be the winner, but Mrs. Bustier will stop and say that no one will leave and no one will cheat. Mr. Didier, points out that anyone loses and wins is not important, but instead enjoys the game and plays together. Mr Didier asks the class if there are ways to be fairer.
Alix suggests versus girls, the idea that Kim immediately shot down when he believes the boy’s team will lose again. Alya shot down Rose’s idea to choose a choice based on the alphabetical order of the names of the little bears of all, because she and Chloé are the only people in the classroom with the teddy bears; Chloe tried to deny that she still owns. The design of the Marinette drawing is supported and agreed by class.
Meanwhile, Marc pulls Nathaniel where the class is when the artist asks Marc what makes sense to play football when he is not interested in sport and is afraid he hurts his hand. While Marc is trying to tell him the miracles of football, Nathaniel is not convinced and asks Marc to apologize why he will not be there. Marc tells Mrs. Bustier and Mr. Didier apologizes, as if Mr. Didier asked if he wanted to play. After impressing the class of several kicks with a football ball, Marinette Hands Marc and Bib and the game begins.
Chloé is the goalkeeper of the yellow team, but she is more interested in taking selfies and forbidding Sabrina to play football just at a time when she is going to kick the ball to her destination. Marinette comes to her and advises her not to listen to Chloé’s orders and that she can play if she likes to do it. Chloé rushes and says Marinette that Sabrina enjoys Chloé’s offer.
He took this opportunity to throw the ball out of the reach of Sabrina while it is scattered. Missing the ball to Ivan, who is afraid to hurt someone if it kicks too hard. Rose comes out of nowhere and pulls the ball away from him and kicks him to Marc, who kicks him around Kim and Nino. Marinette is about to kick the ball and is shocked when Adrien notices and reddish it. He smiles unpleasantly and kicks the ball. Nino asks Adrien to give him the ball when Adrien throws the ball when Mr. Didier throws a whistle. He comes and says Adrien that only the goalkeeper can touch the ball with his hands. Adrien apologizes and admits that he is not very familiar with football rules.
The game continues when Alya passes the Marinette ball, which kicks her to the finish line while she’s on her phone. Chloé refuses to touch a football ball and says he can catch something. Sabrina offers to take Chloé’s position, but Alya points out that he’s not in her team, and Nino also says it’s a losing battle. Mrs. Bustier will stop Chloé in her return home, as is the case during the school hours. Chloé points to a lil that is on benches and pretends to be injured and asks why she can’t join her. Chloé tries to be injured because Marinette suggests how to keep football games fair and involve players. Chloé rejects Sabrin’s idea of ​​her father, the mayor of Paris, to close the class and say that he waits for a person who has much more power than him.
Shadow Moth finds Chloé’s emotions and feelings in his lair and sends her a megakum. Megakuma destroys the magical charm of Chloé and enters her sunglasses. Chloé accumulates at the punishment after Shadow Moth persuades her to accept the forces she offers when Sabrina runs away in fear. The huge dome is covered by Paris because punishments are formed. The timer appears when Mrs. Bustier tries to think with Chloé, but is hit by a red card from Chloé and is in the bubble high above the ground. Alya is also sent to another bubble.
The game between penalteam, fines and its clones team starts compared to students when one of the penalteam kicks the ball into the goal and Mrs. Bustier and Aly Bubble shrink. Alix and Mr. Didier are also trapped in bubbles when they call a foul and students run and hide. Marinette is behind the chair at the stadium to turn into a ladybug. Bubbles shrink when penalteam shoots targets. Mr. Didier, with a microphone in front of him, is a commentator of the game.
Marinette is transformed into a ladybug when Adrien turns into a noir cat into a bathroom. Ladybugs and a cat appear in the field. PenalTeam puts sunglasses into a separate bubble so that it cannot be destroyed. Cat Noir tells Ladybug that he has no idea how to play football, but he is asked to be a goalkeeper and find help. Ladybug runs and gives the French miraculous superhero team their respective miracles. He also gives the dog miraculous Sabrina, the rooster of the miraculous for Marc, the goats on Nathaniel and Ox Miraculous for Ivan.
Meanwhile, the fields and target are destroyed because Cat Noir is repeatedly hit by the penalteam football ball and is injured. LadyBug returns with his team and receives four new superheroes, Miss Hound, Rooster Bold, Capricide and Minotaurox. The game begins again when Viperion is sent to one of the bubbles when the penalTeam clones go together and touch the football shoes. As the field increases, the bubbles are shrinking because the goals are further apart. Purple Tigress uses its strength, influence and creates a crater in the ground because there are two penalteam clones. Penalteam takes the ball from Ladybug as they capture Ryuko into their own bubble. The ball flies in the air when the cat Noir accidentally sends the ball to the completion of the penalteam. Cararapace kicks the ball because Penalteam repeatedly wins, because more of his team members are in the bubbles and is half -time.Synopsis
The unconscious ones are determined to return to their lives as quickly as possible under the influences of a powerful villain, ladybug and noir cats. He thinks everything is under control, but Shadow Moth is preparing for his first big victory. What will LadyBug and Cat Noir do to stop him?
Disney Channel
Shadow Moth’s trap closes to Ladybug and Cat Noir and threatens to change his fate upside down. [6]
Shadow Moth’s trap closes to Ladybug and Cat Noir.
Ladybug and Cat Noir argue about the secrets between them. Marinette risk everything to save Adrien – they don’t know that Félix has taken over his identity.


The episode follows the events of “risk”: Adrien finds the lens of the Félix lens, but hears an attack on the attack on the city and turns into a cat noir. Meanwhile, Marinette Dupain-Cheng on the roof of Gare du Nord decides to turn into Pegabug and catch up Adrien, but Sentimectter is interrupted. She decided to postpone the rescue and running to fight her like Ladybug.
Félix tries to activate a miraculous peacock.
Meanwhile, Nathalie on board the train is trying to encourage who thinks he is Adrien, and Lila expresses his hope that he will become close friends with Adrien. Félix agrees with them and goes to the bathroom. He pulls out fake Peacock tablets Miracullou and Nathalie and is frustrated to find that the miracle did not work. After breaking his furiousness, he finds that it is false.
Ladybugs and a cat noir argued.
Back in Paris, Ladybug and Cat Noir agrees to rush and beat the villain as soon as possible. When they are preparing to fight the strike, the risk causes the Parisians to approach the villains and reveal the danger to distract the heroes. The noir cat, affected by the risk, tries to use its cataclysm and the ladybug accidentally causes destruction when it releases Sentimonter from her yeah. The heroes argue, Cat Noir Call Ladybug for never giving any risks, nor explain something because they avoid the terrible strokes of Sentimonter. Cat Noir then claims that he doesn’t have to protect him and that he never gets acumatic, and remembers the events of “cat blanc”, then tells him he doesn’t know what he is talking about to speak to speak, speak to speak to speak, She speaks which cat noir punishes her for telling him anything. At that moment, Rena Furtive warns LadyBug just in time to avoid another blow, and thank her under the influence of risk aloud and revealed the fact that Rena was around Cat Noir. The heroes continue to rescue unscrupulous Parisians.
Cararapace accidentally reveals the position of Rena Furtive, which means he was still active.
Ladybug rounded the team that is angry to fight against strokes and at the same time protects civilians. Vesperia, purple Tigres and Polymolous will soon find that their forces, instead of influencing the villain, are only cloned. Ladybug orders the team to avoid the use of their powers, and everyone gather at the town hall, Sundasbug carries a risk that they believe is a normal child. Strikeback throws Roue de Paris on the heroes. Ryuko protects the team by missing the bike towards Montparnasse and Carapace Shell-Ters Rena, so everyone, including Shadow Moth, is aware of their activities. Ladybug, disappointed by going behind her back and said Nino, promises it later. The risk is ridiculed by Midaks and continues to sing and Cat Noir decides to take it. Rena Furtive notices that all heroes and civilians have a tip on their neck, because the cat noir begins with a risk that he realizes that he is dealing with an acumatic villain. LadyBug orders him to de-transformation and brings part of the team to neutralize the risk, while the rest limits damage. He admits the risk of hiding an acumatic object after destroying all his belongings. Meanwhile, Cat Noir, influenced by the risk, decides to fight strike and uses his cataclysm, which is soon absorbed by Sentimonter. Ladybug, which was used by her happy charm, but doubted herself, decides to travel to the past and load the acumatic object using an ally believed that he was not influenced: Adrien.
Pennybug and Flairmidable return in time.
She unified the midwife, horses and rabbit miracles to become Pennybug, traveled on the train through the voyage and hit Félix. He ensures that he does not have a mark on his neck and gives him miraculous and encourages him. Félix notices that he has access to all the miraculous Jo-Jo. It transforms and receives instructions, carelessly holds Pennybug’s hand and yo-yo. They both enter the lair and return to the point where the stomach was, touch the stuffed toys with the ball and returns to the present. Pennybug divides Fluff and Kaalki to become a sole again, while the team is trying to keep up with the strike. He uses his strength and ladybug destroys the toy and returns damage and brings Cat Noir back to his senses. Cat Noir hears the praise of the newspaper, Flairmidable. Ladybugs and Flairmidable leave the sewer to recharge their kwamis, and Félix insists to fight beside her and promise to stand up to his “father” inspired.
The heroes encounter flairmidable.
The Heroes and LadyBug group is excited that the Noir and Flairmidable cat, the holders of cats and the dogs of the miracle, meet. He uses his happy charm and asks Rooster Bold to clone the glasses he gets. Meanwhile, Flairmidable discreetly touches her yo-yo with the ball. LadyBug explains its insulating plan Sentimonstre and teleporting is gone and Flairmidable shows concerns. The heroes run towards the villain, but Flairmidable remain where he was, and watched, because Carapace uses shell-the-the-tere and pegabug clones, are teleported in the sun. He sympathizes with them and leaves when Ladybug uses his miraculous ladybugs. Shadow Moth is frustrated by the fact that he did not make any main mistakes. Ladybugs and Rena Furtive meet and the second de-transformation. Alya apologizes to her for saying Nino, but Ladybug understands and relates. Alya says Ladybug does not trust her with Fox miraculously because of the risk and shadow moth, and her reluctant consent remembers Trixx and tells Ladybug to get the rest of the miracles before turning back.
Alya remembers Trixx.
After taking Miraculloule back, Ladybug goes to the sewer, but he can’t find Adrien. Meanwhile, Flairmidable is waiting for Gabriel’s return, calling Nathalie to cancel the way, interrupt him, reveal his identity, and caused Gabriel to drop the phone. Nathalie is trying to get him on the train and explain that Adrien is missing, but he starts uncontrollably. Lila will grind. Ladybug gets to Adrien’s Room and asks him to return a miraculous dog. After explaining to her, Adrien tells her she gave Mir

strike Back Miraculous Season 4

By Dev

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