Miraculous Season 4 Episode 25 Risk Shadowmoths Final Attack Part 1 in English

Miraculous Ladybug Season 4 Episode 25 Risk Shadowmoths Final Attack Part 1

 The episode begins with Miraculous Ladybug using her superpower on the Eiffel Tower. The team then rush into the Jardins du Trocadéro and everyone fist bumps. Ladybug congratulates her team for being the best superhero team ever and that Shadow Moth didn’t stand a chance. Carapace replies that he only stays in the shadows because it shines too bright for him; King Monkey laughs at this and he and Carapace talk. Suddenly all the Miraculouses start beeping and Ladybug reminds everyone to go to their meeting places so she can get the Miraculouses back from them. Everyone separates except for her and Cat Noir, who asks if he can come with her. He becomes sad when Ladybug doesn’t respond, but Ladybug cheers him up and says that he will always be her favorite before she kisses his cheek and leaves. Cat Noir smiles.

Ladybug then hides on the roof and calls Rena Furtive, who tells her that the coast is clear after checking each rendezvous point. Ladybug then starts collecting all the Miraculouses. When her own Miraculous starts beeping, she waves goodbye to Nino before joining Rena Furtive in the alley. They compliment each other before detransforming. Alya then mentions that they were just in time for the premiere of United Heroes. Marinette excitedly asks if they can see the beginning of the movie someday, to which Alya replies “if they run”. They both start laughing and running away.

Meanwhile, in Gabriel’s vault, Gabriel tells his wife in disappointment that he was unable to retrieve the Miraculouses Ladybug and Cat Noir. Then, out of nowhere, he begins to break down, telling himself that he is not worthy of their love. Suddenly, after pounding his fist, the pod starts to crack, Terrified, he seals it and runs away.

In Nathalia’s room, Gabriel angrily rants about how Ladybug never makes a mistake. Nathalie also tells him that he didn’t either and that she didn’t get hold of his Miraculous, but before she could continue she starts coughing. Gabriel then sadly says that he made at least one mistake, but Nathalie mentions that it wasn’t his, but hers. She said she was fully aware of the risk she was taking, and Gabriel comes to the realization that Ladybug never makes mistakes because she never takes risks. Empowered, he runs away, leaving a disappointed Nathalie behind.

A window in the Shadowmoth’s lair opens and he declares that he needs a villain who can force Ladybug to finally take a risk without her realizing it. Before releasing the akuma, he thinks about who would be his potential victim, and after thinking for a moment, he aims his akuma at a boy named Froggy, who is upset that his parents won’t let him ride a bicycle without training wheels. At the Jardin des Plantes Zoo, an akuma gets hold of Froggy’s stuffed toy and Froggy is akumatized into Risk. Froggy’s parents catch up with him, not knowing that he is akumatized. Risk then tags them and starts singing. Immediately, both tags on Froggy’s parents’ necks light up. They wave to their son, and Froggy’s dad comments that it’s not that dangerous to ride a bike without training wheels after all. Shadow Moth then contacts Risk and tells him that they are going to have a lot of fun but that he has to be careful to hide his stuffed toy or Ladybug will come and break it and he will lose his powers. Risk then replies in a singsong tone that he will hide it where he will never find it. Later that night on the streets, Risk continues to unknowingly tag everyone in Paris, including Marinette and Adrien (who were both asleep). Shadow Moth then says that they just have to wait until they reap the fall of Ladybug and Cat Noir.

The next morning, Adrien wakes up to Nathalie calling him to remind him of his schedule, but Adrien has memorized it. He then asks Nathalie about the breakfast his father has been promising him for months. Nathalie tries to tell him that Gabriel had something else planned, but Adrien sadly expects him to cancel again. Nathalie clarifies that no, and that she will meet him again, but for a work session. At that moment, a robot with a white suit arrives. Nathalie then explains that his father had a new idea for an ad campaign and tells him to put his clothes on before she joins her father and then hangs up. Plagg then jokes that he would like to have breakfast with Adrien. Just then, Risk walks past the Agreste mansion and the mark on the back of Adrien’s neck lights up. Adrien eventually snaps and tells Plagg that he doesn’t want to be a model for his father’s brand anymore and that he just wants to be his son and eat breakfast with him. He decides to tell his father. Plagg tries to stop him, telling him that he knows his father will react very badly to this, but Adrien tells him that he is willing to take the risk.

Adrien storms into his father’s studio, where Lila, Bob and Vincent are already sitting, and tells him he needs to talk to him. However, Gabriel shuts him down and tells him to change into the clothes he’s supposed to be wearing. Adrien listens sadly. As he returns to his room, Plagg tells him not to give up and that just because he failed doesn’t mean he shouldn’t try again.

Back in his studio, Gabriel then details his plan for the ad campaign, which includes Adrien and Lila walking up to each other and hugging as part of the ad. Lila comments on how it’s more romantic than that Hollywood movie she “starred” in, but Adrien coldly cuts her off, saying that just because they work together doesn’t mean he has to believe her lies. Lila looks at him incomprehendingly. At the same time, Bob notes that this ad will cost a lot of green screen and fake backdrops, but Gabriel replies that they won’t be using fake backdrops and that he wants something real. He then states that filming will take several months around the world and that Adrien and Lila are ready to leave that afternoon. Lila is thrilled, but Adrien protests that he can’t leave Paris. Gabriel angrily asks him if there is a problem and Lila comforts him as they continue to hug. Meanwhile, Gabriel finally finalizes the details of the ad, which has been revealed to be his new cologne.

Later, the news that there will be a worldwide campaign for Gabriel’s new cologne is broadcast by Nadja Chamack on the news. In Marinette’s room, she watches in shock and horror and begins to freak out because Lila, her worst rival, is going on a world trip with Adrien and then exclaims that it’s the end of the world. Tikki gets Marinette to calm down and then reminds her that she has to be at school. Remembering that it’s Adrien’s last day at school and that he’s late, Marinette hurriedly grabs her bag and runs off screaming, only to return moments later when she realizes he’s still in his pyjamas; Tikki laughs at this.


By Dev

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