Miraculous – Season 1 Episode 13 The Mime ENGLISH The-Mime-246

Miraculous Ladybug Season 1 Episode 13 The Mime

When Mylène’s father loses a role in a game with his scheming stand-in, he akumatizes into Mima, a villain whose pantomimes become real.[4]


The episode opens with Ladybug rushing home before the last dot on her earring disappears and she transforms back into Marinette. He detransforms before landing on his balcony. When Marinette and Tikki walk into her room, Tikki remarks that what Ladybug did for Alya earlier was very cool. They stop when they hear Sabine’s voice from below telling Marinette that Alya has arrived.

Back on the roof, Marinette explains to Alya what happened earlier, shows a video of Ladybug saving the baby, and gives a short Ladyblog interview with the other reporters. Alya is very happy that Ladybug knows about her blog. In the background, Marinette’s pigeon mimics Alya’s movements. He then leaves to get his laptop. When Tikki asks to see the video on Alya’s phone, Marinette falls out of her hand, Marinette presses the buttons trying to capture it and accidentally deletes the video. Marinette freaks out about how Alya will kill her when she finds out. Tikki tries to reassure her that Alya wouldn’t kill her best friend, but that doesn’t stop Marinette from imagining the hideous things that would happen if she told Alya.

Alya jumps onto the roof and tells Marinette that she has visitors. They return to Marinette’s room to find Sabine, Mylène, and Fred Haprèle, Mylène’s father. Mylène explains that her father is getting his first big gig in The Extraordinary Adventures of the Eiffel Tower pantomime. The Haprèles came to pick up Fred’s hat, which Marinette was repairing. At Fred’s request, she added a small pocket inside. As a form of thanks, he playfully takes the hat out of the box and plays with it to Marinette. Fred slips a photo of his daughter into his pocket just as Sarah, his manager, calls to tell him he needs to be on the bus to the show immediately. Fred then leaves the bakery.

Meanwhile, Chris and Sarah are about to board the bus to the show. Sarah tells Chris that he needs to be ready to take Fred’s place in case something happens, not knowing that Chris has a plan to sabotage Fred.

At the bakery, Mylène is about to leave when Alye’s phone rings. Marinette has Alya’s phone in her purse and tries to find a way to solve her problem. After checking her phone and realizing it’s her mother, Alya asks Mylène if she wants to watch the video she made earlier, but Marinette quickly reminds them of Fred’s premiere. Alya suggests that she show Mylène the video on the way, so Marinette sneakily grabs Alya’s phone from her purse as she leaves.

Meanwhile, Fred gets a call from Chris that there has been a last minute change of location. The bus actually picks them up in 10 minutes, in front of the Louvre, so they leave.

In Marinette’s room, Marinette decides to turn into Ladybug and film herself doing the exact same thing in the exact same place, planning to return Alya’s phone without her realizing it’s even gone.

While this is happening, Chris tells Sarah that he has to get to the Eiffel Tower for the dress rehearsal because Fred didn’t show. The play director explains that Chris will be taking Fred’s place that night, much to his delight. Fred arrives at the museum and seems confused as to where the bus is. He calls Sarah and she angrily informs him that since he didn’t show up, Chris will be in charge instead. Fred feels angry that he was deceived and that his daughter will be disappointed in him. Hawk Moth senses Fred’s sadness and sends an akuma after him.

At the Louvre, Ladybug tries to redo Aly’s video, but the cat drops the phone in the trash, much to Ladybug’s disgust. Nearby, the akuma owns Fred’s photo of Mylène. Hawk Moth then offers Fred the chance to ruin the premiere and get revenge on Chris, which results in him being akumatized into a pantomime. Mime first uses his invisible sword to cut up the show’s posters before mimicking a golf club to knock over a police car. Ladybug notices this and tries to calm him down, but Mime shoots invisible arrows at her instead.

A few kilometers away, Adrien is in his car with Nathalie and Placide I.T.. Suddenly Gorilla sees Ladybug and slams on the brakes. Knowing that a supervillain is attacking them, Adrien, Nathalie and Gorilla run for cover. Adrien then transforms into Cat Noir to help Ladybug.

Meanwhile, Mime keeps throwing arrows at Ladybug. He then pulls out an invisible bazooka. Ladybug avoids it. Mime later imitates a whip and uses it to capture Ladybug. Miraculous is about to retrieve her, but Cat Noir arrives just in time to stop him. After trapping Cat Noir and Ladybug in an invisible cage, Ladybug spots the pantomime in the car and drives off. He realizes that if he started another pantomime, the previous one would evaporate. So both Ladybug and Cat Noir follow the pantomime and his invisible car.

Once they land on the roof, Mime runs off and imitates an invisible motorbike. As he was leaving, Cat Noir uses his staff to carry himself and Ladybug to find a bus for the troupe. Once they land on the roof of the bus, Ladybug uses her yo-yo to create a net to stop Mima. He avoids the net and jumps on the bus. While Cat Noir and Mime have a sword/staff fight, Ladybug tries to grab Mime’s hat and get the akuma. However, he notices her and attacks her, knocking Cat Noir off the bus. Ladybug grabs Mim’s hand. But before the mime can grab her earrings, Cat Noir grabs Ladybug and pulls her up.

Mime attacks her but falls from the car. He imitates a chainsaw to cut the ceiling of the car and tells the driver to go faster. Ladybug knew she had to get the passengers to safety. So while Cat Noir covers for her, Ladybug warns everyone on the bus about the attack and that the mime seems to be after Chris. Outside, he throws a mime dart at one of the bus’s wheels, causing the bus to spin out of control, but Cat Noir stops the bus just in time before it crashes. Feeling guilty for what he did, Chris tells Sarah the truth about what he did to Fred.

Outside, Cat Noir is about to lose the fight to the mime. He is about to take the ring from Cat Noir, but Ladybug ties his hand with her yo-yo. Mime then fakes a bomb and throws it at Ladybug and Cat Noir. So Ladybug uses the Lucky Charm and a shoe box appears. Using her happy vision, as Cat Noir and Mime continue to fight, Ladybug makes a projector out of a box, Sarah’s glasses as a magnifying glass, a pantomime poster, and a car light. Mime sees the projection of the poster and gets angry. He imitates a sword and cuts the “poster” in half. But that’s before he realizes he’s sliced ​​the Eiffel Tower in half instead. He sees it falling and mimics a shield to stop it. Ladybug knew her plan had worked.

Once Cat Noir uses his staff to retrieve the mima hat, Ladybug grabs it and looks for a picture of Mylène. He rips the photo in half to reveal the akuma. Ladybug catches akuma and cleans it. He then discards the shoebox and cleans up the town, returning everything, including Fred, back to normal. Chris apologizes to Fred for deceiving him earlier and Fred forgives him.

Transforming back into Marinette, Ladybug runs back to the Louvre and retrieves Alya’s phone from the trash. He then goes to the Eiffel Tower for a Mime show. After taking a seat next to his friend, Adrien joined them, much to Marinette’s delight.

Once the show ends, Marinette finally confesses to Alya about what happened to her phone and video. He apologizes for deleting the video and tries to fix it for her and she forgives her as it turns out that Alya uploaded the video to Ladyblog before Marinette showed it.

After hugging the two best friends, Marinette told her that there was a surprise inside the theater. When Alya walks in, she meets Ladybug and starts interviewing her and recording her for her blog.

After the conversation, Marinette quickly transforms back into herself and stands outside. When asked if she will see the video of the interview, Alya playfully teases her about accidentally deleting it until she uploads it to the blog. 

By Dev

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