Miraculous – Season 4 Episode 14 Sentibubbler ENGLISH


Miraculous Ladybug Season 4 Episode 14 Sentibubbler Original

 The episode begins with a nightmare that Marinette is having. It takes place in Césaire’s apartment, where she, Alya, her family, and Nino are dining together. Marinette gets the food, but then suddenly realizes that Trixx is outside. Marinette tells Alya that Trixx is a secret, but Alya questions why Trixx has to be a secret. She is then called out by Ladybug, causing Marinette to panic as everyone looks on. She tries to explain that she’s not Ladybug, but Nino says that everyone knows that. He then reveals that Chloé is present and says that Marinette insists that your identity be a secret or you won’t get the miracle. She then says that she would be a better Ladybug and calls her a ridiculous guardian. Shadow Moth then arrives at the balcony and Alya opens the door for him to enter. Shadow Moth says that he is grateful to Alya for revealing Marinette’s identity to him and allowing him to obtain the Miracle Box. Marinette is stunned and tries to transform, but Tikki won’t transform her and tells her that she shouldn’t have trusted Alye. Cat Blanc then touches Marinette’s shoulder and says that they can be together because there are no more secrets. Marinette starts to panic and says it’s a nightmare. Shadow Moth says that she will stop once she gives him her miraculous, and they all make their way to her. Trixx appears on Marinette’s shoulder and says that this is what she will get for leaving him with Alya.

Then she screams and wakes up. While panicking, Marinette regrets giving Fox Miraculous Aly a little. She runs to her sewing box, opens it, and sighs in relief that it’s still there. Tikki explains that it was just a nightmare and that will never happen because Alya is a loyal friend. Wayzz says Alya can be but Trixx is mean and makes a mess. Xuppu then comments on the Loch Ness Monster mirage that Trixx did earlier, which freaks Marinette out. She quickly rushes to Aly’s house in her PJ’s. He arrives at Alye’s and finds her and her family looking for something. Alya wonders to herself where the thing is. Nora says that if she finds it, Alya needs to be prepared to be grounded. Etta says that whoever finds the furry beast first gets to stay with it, while Otis says that the beast seems to be able to walk through walls, Marinette sneaks up on Alya and asks if they all know about the Trixx, and if she told them, Alya, she replies that she had to tell them because she lost it.

She thinks that someone else will find her and she runs away. Marinette asks Alya if she lost it and Alya tells her that everyone loses something sometimes and asks her to help her instead of lecture her. Marlena asks Marinette to stay for lunch and rate her food, causing Marinette to panic about the nightmare. Meanwhile, on the pan, lunch is on, a tarantula is crawling on the spoon. The tarantula scares Marinette, causing her to rush to Alya and scream because she’s afraid of it. Marlena tells the rest of the family to stop looking because Marinette found Hannibal as the family sighs in relief. Otis says his legs are healed as he can walk now and says he will be back at the zoo tomorrow. Nino then left the bathroom because he was scared. Marinette then brings Alya to her room as Nino runs after them. Alya stops him and tells him it’s between her and Marinette and closes the door, which makes Nino a little angry.

Marinette explains the nightmare to Alya and how realistic it was. Alya tries to comfort her by saying it was just a nightmare, but Marinette tells her in the nightmare that everyone knew she was Ladybug. The phone rings and Marinette screams. Alya explains that everything is fine. Marinette, still worried, tells Alya that Shadow Moth knows she is Rena Rouge and may try to steal her Miraculous if he finds out. Alya tells her that no one will know that she permanently has the Fox Miraculous. Marinette then states that even Cat Noir can’t know about it. Alya says no one will know and Trixx will always be with her with the big package Marinette gave her. Marinette is happy to see Trixx and asks him to promise to stay hidden. Trixx tells Marinette that he’s quiet and cunning like a fox, then pokes Alya. Tikki gets out of Marinette’s purse and tells Marinette that she told her everything was fine. Marinette apologizes to Alya for worrying, but Alya is annoyed when the phone keeps ringing. She ran out of her room and looked around, seeing that no one was present. She asks if it’s a prank and picks up the phone, revealing that it was Shadow Moth calling her.

He then sees Marinette fly away in one of Bubbler’s balloons and then gets mad at Bubbler who is also in the kitchen and claims that just because she didn’t let Nino in his room he will get akumatized, but then Shadow Moth tells Alya, this is Sentibubbler. He then threatens to destroy her friends and family unless Ladybug betrays her. Up in the bubble, Marinette freaks out because she can’t transform in front of people or her identity will be revealed. Tikki assures her that Alya will figure something out, which is why she gave her the Fox Miraculous. He then remembers that he has to warn Alya that the Sentibubbler is probably a Sentimonster so Cat Noir won’t use Cataclysm on him. Otherwise, all the bubbles would burst and fall down. At Alya’s apartment, she receives a message from Marinette. But as he pulls it out of his pocket, Sentibubbler traps him in a bubble and the phone flies out the window into the sky. Shadow Moth says he can only communicate with him and his sentimonster. In the bubble, Marinette wonders why Alya is taking so long to answer. He then sees Alya’s phone in a bubble flying next to her and is horrified to realize what has happened.

Knowing what to do, Alya tricks Sentibubbler and asks him if he can go to the bathroom, but Shadow Moth is annoyed and tells Alya through Sentibubbler that it’s not the best time, but Alya tells him that it’s really important. Annoyed, Shadow Moth lets her into the bathroom and reminds her of the deal. Alya crashes into a table and goes to her room, transforming into Rena Rouge (while the villains have no idea they can see her). It creates an illusion of itself and sneaks around quickly. Illusion of herself goes to the bathroom and Sentibubbler explains that she only has 30 seconds. When this happens, Rena Rouge sneaks up behind them, grabs the grapes that have fallen to the ground, and quietly enters her younger sisters’ room. Once the illusion enters the bathroom, it stops the illusion and de-transforms. Alya feeds Trixx grapes and explains her plan. She transforms again and calls Cat Noir with her flute, telling him that she and Ladybug know a plan to stop Shadow Moth. When Cat Noir asks what they have to do, Rena Rouge says that it’s only a two-person plan for her and Ladybug. 

By Dev

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