Miraculous Season 4 Episode 9 Gabriel Agreste Full Episode

Gabriel Agreste

Miraculous Ladybug Season 4 Episode 09 Gabriel Agreste

 In his lair, Shadow Moth declares that he would find out what has changed since Ladybug became the Keeper of the Magic Box. In the vault, Gabriel holds one of Graham de Vanilla’s Double Rings and explains to Emilia that he threw a party to which her sister and Félix were invited, and that he intended to take the ring that Félix had stolen. Meanwhile, in the car heading to Villa Agreste, Félix watches Alya’s Ladyblog video explaining what the Miraculous are. Félix comments to his mother that he hopes to see superheroes during their time in Paris. She agrees that it would be exciting and gives Félix an air kiss.

In Nathalie’s room, Adrien brings Nathalie lunch. Adrien laments that he won’t have his friends, and Nathalie counters that club members are important to Gabriel. Adrien mumbles that his friends are important to him as Gabriel enters the room and asks Adrien to leave them for a moment. Once Adrien leaves, Gabriel says that organizing the party is hard without her help, but he wouldn’t cancel it because, first of all, the guests wouldn’t understand, and more importantly, Amelie and Félix were coming. Nathalie gives Gabriel instructions on her tablet and offers him a sandwich.

In Marinette’s art class, her friends enlist Marc and Nathaniel, who were well aware of her crush on Adrien and romantic comedy specialists, to help her fall in love with her. They explain that the story is actually similar to a fairy tale where Adrien is a princess, Marinette is a knight, Agreste’s mansion is a castle, and Gabriel is a witch. The girls playfully comment on the roles of Adrien’s father and bodyguard. Nathaniel and Marc, worthy fairies, help Knight Marinette rescue Princess Adrien in the one place Gabriel the witch had no control over him: at school. Just then, to the group’s dismay, Chloé appears from the ceiling slab and threatens to show Gabriel the recording of the meeting she made on her phone, making a dramatic but comedically unsuccessful exit. Marinette is sure that Chloé wouldn’t, but Zoé confirms that Chloé would go to the Agreste mansion that night. To stop her, the group decides to disguise the knight to sneak into the ball.

At the Agreste mansion, according to the list, Gabriel prepares for a party and leaves a bodyguard to handle the cell phone jammers. He stands at the entrance, welcomes his guests, checks their identity and hands them masks. Marinette walks over to the waitress and introduces herself as Marino, claiming that the regular waiter was sick. Sarah, the waitress, explains that they will take care of the food preparation and watch the children and have their identities checked by Gabriel’s fingerprint scanner. Marinette grabs a large box and successfully enters the mansion, avoiding the identity check, much to her friend’s cheer. Gabriel welcomes the bourgeois family, but is soon interrupted by Chloé, who tries to show him the video. Marinette deliberately trips the box to distract them, causing Gabriel to drop the tablet. Adrien helps Marinette up and wonders if he knows her. Chloe can’t get Gabriel’s attention. Amelie and Félix arrive just as Gabriel picks up his tablet and adjusts his tie, and Félix notices a brooch under his tie. Amelie thanks Gabriel for letting Félix, who smiles innocently, keep the family ring, and Adrien comments that it was very thoughtful of him.

Sarah asks Marinette to help in the kitchen, but on Zoe’s advice, Marinette makes a mess and takes care of the kids instead. Chloé taunts Félix, who in turn pretends to be Adrien and laughs at her stupidity. When Gabriel locks the door to the mansion, Chloé tries to show her video again, but Gabriel tells all the visitors to put their phones in a special robot and then activates the cell phone jammer, cutting off communication between Marinette and her friends. Adrien leads Kagami, Chloé and Félix to his room, followed by Marinette, but Gabriel asks Félix to come to the office. He confronts Félix, but Félix insists that he took the ring because his mother wanted it. Félix claims to have made a copy and puts the ring on Gabriel’s finger. They leave the office and Gabriel goes to Nathalie’s room. Gabriel sneakily follows and listens. Gabriel knows that Félix gave him a fake ring. Adrien calls Félix who comes to his cousin’s room. Nathalie suggests akumatizing Félix to confess where he’s hiding the ring, to which Gabriel replies that Félix would know he’s Shadow Moth. Nathalie reminds him that he has the power to be Gabriel and Shadow Moura at the same time. Gabriel transforms and creates a sentimonster of himself.

The atmosphere in Adrien’s room is tense. Pulling the chip out of her phone, Chloé insists she needs the device to play the video. Adrien tries to reason with her, but Marinette intervenes and Chloé follows. Félix leaves the room, claiming he needs to talk to his mother, leaving Kagami and Adriena alone. Marinette sees Chloé sneaking into the cafeteria in a cardboard box and follows suit. In the middle of a live dance, he sees Chloé reach for her phone and follow her.

Félix sneaks into the office and looks around. He walks over to the picture of Emilia and reaches out for it. Sentimonser suddenly interrupts and asks what Félix was looking for. Félix says vaguely that he’d like to get to know his uncle better, to which the sentimonster retorts that he doesn’t really know him well enough because he gave him a fake ring. Félix taunts him and reveals that he is aware that Gabriel is Shadow Moth. Sentimonster, though in denial, claims he has all the power necessary to make Félix disappear with a snap of his fingers, and props him up against the painting. Shadow Moth tries to akumatize Félix and tries to convince him that Gabriel is inferior to Shadow Moth. However, Félix is ​​certain that he saw brooches that the sentimonster did not have. He rejects the akuma, rips the bottom of the sentimonster’s pants with a pin from his sleeve, and runs away. Shadow Moth instead akumatizes the sentimonster into the collector.

By Dev

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