Miraculous – Watch Furious Fu now-Miraculoushub Miraculous: Full Episodes and Livestreams!

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Miraculous Ladybug Season 4 Episode 6 FURIOUS FU

 The episode opens with Marinette talking to the kwamis and telling them that they can’t go visit Master Fu with her. The kwamis get so upset and say it’s not fair and demand a reason, Marinette now tells them that she is the guardian and that Master Fu can’t find out about the kwamis because he lost his memory. Kwamis said they at least wanted to check on him if he was okay. Marinette tells them that it can’t happen because there has to be a somonene to guard the magic box. Trixx gets the idea that if one kwami ​​stays it means the rest can go, Marinette disagrees but the kwami ​​ignore her. Sass, Xuppu and Daizzi then decide to play Kwami-Kwa-Who, Mullo is a scavenger and lands on Marinette so they all try to go through her window but Marinette gets in their way and tells them that since she’s a guard she can choose , who stays. While watching a movie on Marinette’s computer, Barkk replies that he will stay in case a sentimonster and/or an akumatized villain shows up. Marinette thanks Barkka for staying.

Marinette visits the subway station and waits for Fu, the kwamis start chanting, “Master Fu”, Marinette then takes her phone out of her bag and says that the phone had to be turned back on to avoid suspicion. The mysterious man hiding in the trash can was suspicious of Marinette. Fu then arrives with Marianne. Marianne tells Fu that she is the girl who saved him from the boat accident. Fu thanks her for saving him and they all go to the bench to have a snack. Fu tells Marinette that his time in London was wonderful, and Marianne tells Marinette that he discovered a passion for painting. Fu then hands Marinette the painting. Marinette asks if she’s holding it right, Fu says yes and that she doesn’t know what it means either, Wayzz then climbs out of Marinette’s bag and crawls on the floor, making Marinette try to grab him. Fu notices Wayzz on the ground and asks if she is one of Marinette’s collection dolls, Marinette says yes and that he probably fell out when she took the cake. So Marinette put Wayzz in her bag, Wayzz then happily exclaimed. Marinette even says the toy talks, pulls Wayzz out of the bag, squeezes his head and says “he touched me, he touched me” and tries to copy Wayzz’s voice.

Marinette then goes to her room and finds the same man from earlier holding the Miracle Box and Barkka, she starts to worry that she doesn’t know who he is. The monk asks her how she got the Magic Box, then Marinette asks who she is without answering his question. Tikki says that he is Su-Han’s Heavenly Guardian and that he was responsible for the box before the incident with Master Fu. Marinette asks him how he found her; Su-Han says that the guardian staff is equipped with a compass that can track down the miracle box. Marinette asks why he doesn’t have one. Su-Han says that he is not the right guardian and that the wrong form of the box proves it. Marinette then says that Master Fu made her a guardian, which angers Su-Han as she says that Master Fu never fulfilled any of their requirements to be a guardian. He then notices that several kwami ​​are missing and gets even more upset when he finds out that Nooroo and Duusu are missing. He then asked where Plagg was, and Marinette said that Cat Noir was his owner, but she didn’t know who he was, so Su-Han found out that he was carrying Ladybug Miraculous. He then says that the Guardians are not allowed to wear the Miraculous and forces the kwami ​​to return to the Miraculous Box. He then tells Marinette that she broke the rules of the Order, saying that she and Fu should not have been Rangers. Then on Marinette’s computer, in the show Barkk was watching about the knight, he threatened to hurt the person in front of him. Su-Han says she accepts his challenge and attempts to attack the knight who was actually inside the computer. Marinette gets in his way and tells him to calm down, Su-Han then realizes that the knight is stuck in a thin glass. Marinette then transforms into Ladybug and uses her yo-yo to talk to Cat Noir and tells him to meet her. Su-Han asks Ladybug what she’s doing with her weapon, and she says she’s using it to contact Cat Noir. Su-Han is surprised that they don’t send doves to communicate anymore.

By Dev

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