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Miraculous Ladybug Season 4 Episode 4 Mr Pigeon 72

 The episode begins with Marinette, transformed into a Ladybug, in her room with Alya attempting to brew a potion and decipher a grimoire while going through the Shadowmoth’s previous victims, all of which are listed on a bulletin board on the wall. Each villain’s photo has star stickers affixed to it, representing the number of times that villain has been akumatized so far. Alya notes that Shadow Moth has akumatized her four times so far because Marinette, who was hiding from her, was driving her insane. Ladybug notes sadly that she had no choice but to hide it, and Alya encourages her by saying that she knows and that now that she knows Marinette’s secret, she’s here to help her. Alya is then shocked to realize that Mister Ramier has been akumatized a total of 71 times so far. Ladybug sadly says that Mr. Ramier is just a gentleman with no history and that she thinks it’s unfair to him. She then reveals that she promised to find a way to keep him from being akumatized again, but that she doesn’t know how. Ladybug groans in frustration and says that she doesn’t understand anything in the grimoire. Wayzz speaks up and tells her that Master Fu didn’t understand much either, but instead succeeded by taking his time and resting. Ladybug is excited, not really listening to the kwami, she tells him to wait and that she thinks she found it. He then proceeds to add pepper to the potion and it explodes into a puff of purple smoke with a loud bang. Downstairs in the bakery, her parents look up startled and then exchange worried glances.

The scene changes back to Marinette’s bedroom, showing Alya and Ladybug lying on the floor surrounded by smoke, overcome by the force of the explosion. Photos of Adrien fall from Marinette’s walls to the floor, knocked over by the explosion as well. The scene shows that Marinette’s room is now a bit of a mess and chaos. Ladybug was the first to her feet, walking back to the cauldron she was brewing the potion in, saying she could have sworn the “little spicy pebble” in the grimoire was pepper. Trixx flies to Alye and asks her to bring Ladybug back to her senses, obviously concerned for her well-being. Alya approaches Marinette and asks her how long she’s been trying. Ladybug replies that she doesn’t really know, that she thinks it could be six, seven, maybe even ten days. He tells Alya that it’s the holidays so she finally has time to focus on deciphering the grimoire. Concerned, Alya looks down at the floor to see Marinette sewing supplies in the corner, looking rather forlorn. Alya asks Ladybug when she hasn’t been working on her creations, and Ladybug quickly says that she’s always making something, showing Alya a security system and a hat that lets her know what’s going on in her room even when she’s not. PUSH.

Alya walks up to her and yells in her ear that she’s losing her mind and that whenever she, Alya, obsessively searches for something, she gets stuck. He then tells her he needs a break. Ladybug says she won’t stop until she finds a way to stop Shadow Moth from reacumatizing people, and adds something to the cauldron, causing another explosion. Her parents bring it down and they express their interest in her, revealing that Marinette told them not to interrupt her “science presentation”. Alya tries another method to get Ladybug to take a break and reveals to her that Adrien and Kagami broke up. Ladybug turns to show her shock and says she has to go comfort Kagami, surprising Alya. Alya asks her if Adrien shouldn’t be the one who needs comforting, and Ladybug insists that she has to comfort Kagami, saying that she is her only friend in Paris and that she no longer has feelings for Adrien.

He detransforms and leaves to find Kagami, telling his parents that he is taking a break from his science presentation and getting pastries and giving a piece of one Tikki. Once she finds Kagami, she jumps on her and hands her mother a brioche, insisting that this is the perfect opportunity for her to try. He then drags Kagami away and tells her that Adrien is at the pool filming a commercial and that this is the perfect opportunity for Kagami and Adrien to reconcile. Kagami tells her that she doesn’t want to reconcile with Adrien and that she was the one who decided to break up. Insisting that she should try to reconcile, Marinette pushes her into the pool, ignoring Kagami’s protests. When they were there, they found out that the pool was closed for filming. Kagami tries to leave but Marinette holds her there.

The scene changes to Adrien running into the locker room and once they’re hidden there, Plagg appears and yells at Adrien for losing his mind, scolding him for going swimming early, but when Adrien opens the door, he quickly shuts him up. a pool bag that is completely filled with cheese. Plagg takes his blast back and burrows in and Adrien quickly changes and leaves the room. Adrien is then seen standing on a high diving board and the camera pans to Bob Roth, with Mr. Ramier standing behind him. Bob Roth excitedly explains his plan (which involves Adrien surrounded by doves as he jumps) for the commercial to Gabriel Agreste, who watches from his tablet propped up in a poolside chair. Gabriel Agreste points out that Mr. Ramier’s birds are not doves, but doves, and Bob Roth turns the tables and assures him that they are doves. Mr. Ramier tries to protest, but Bob Roth shuts him up and reveals that he has a deal with Mr. Ramier; if the shooting is successful, he convinces the mayor to make a pigeon sanctuary. He shoots the commercial, but Gabriel Agreste is displeased and asks for it to be reshot because something is missing.

Meanwhile, outside the pool building. Marinette takes a picture of the Gorilla, posts it on the internet, and calls over Wayhem and Adrien’s other fans to distract the Gorilla and they sneak inside.

Gabriel determines what is missing and orders one of the “doves” to bring Adrien a red rose to hold in his teeth before diving into the water. Mr. Ramier picks up one of his pigeons with a rose, Bob Roth punches him for calling it a pigeon, and Adrien protests that he’s allergic to pigeons. Bob Roth snaps at him that nothing is going to happen because they are doves, and Gabriel Agreste states that he, Bob Roth, has 30 minutes to set things up and then hangs up.

By Dev

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