Miraculous – Season 4 Episode 10 Mega leech ENGLISH


Miraculous Ladybug Season 4 Episode Mega Leech ENGLISH

 The episode opens with Mylène afraid to protest the mayor, but Ivan tells her not to be afraid and supports her. Meanwhile, Marinette, who is in her bedroom, is awakened by noises in a nearby park as Mayor Bourgeois announces that he is keeping his word to keep Paris clean and continues from “Reverser” by revealing the plans for Project Oxygen. He begins by building a tower that can reduce pollution and produce filtered oxygen for Parisians. The construction of the building would replace the Place des Vosges park, prompting Ivan and Mylène to arrive at the Place des Vosges to protest against it. The mayor is distracted by Ivan and Mylène and orders Roger to keep them away because they are protesting him. Mylène and Ivan refuse to back down and are eventually escorted home by Officer Roger. Marinette witnesses this and asks Tikki if she should transform to help them out. Tikki replies that the police normally take care of bad guys and is then interrupted by Tom calling Marinette.

Marinette then notices that he is late for school and immediately arrives at Collège Françoise Dupont. Arriving at Miss Bustier’s classroom, Miss Bustier questions her about the whereabouts of Mylène and Ivan and is informed that they were protesting the mayor in the park and Roger drove them home. Alya explains that Mylène and Ivan were trying to stop the mayor’s plan to destroy the park and replace it with artificial oxygen and a tower. Miss Bustier tells the class that she thinks Officer Roger made a big mistake and then calls him. Roger picks up and asks if there’s a problem with Sabrina, and Miss Bustier says she has a problem with Ivan and Mylène being escorted home by the police for protesting the destruction of the park. He asks that they both be driven back to the park and angrily hangs up to bring the entire class to the construction site. Together with Miss Bustier, the whole class comes to the Place des Vosges and together they protest against the mayor by blocking the trees. Mayor Bourgeois then tries to convince everyone that this would lead to less pollution, which Mylène says is that trees are a natural source of oxygen and should not be replaced by artificial means. Mayor Bourgeois then shows an ad for their oxygen project featuring the Gabriel and Tsurugi brand.

After watching the ad, everyone falls for it except Adrien. He is confused because his father told him it was just an advertisement for Gabriel’s next perfume. Mylène tells everyone that the mayor of Paris is only showing these ads to manipulate them and he just wants to make money. Marinette, then to show everyone that the mayor is actually wrong about the merits of his project, explains to the mayor that Mylène and Ivan may have misunderstood each other, saying that trees and fresh air are free, but the mayor wants a nature park to replace the artificial oxygen taken away from polluted air so that it can be cleaned and sold in plastic bottles that end up in landfills. André replies that Marinette is right and panics as the crowd gasps at his idea. Alya then spreads the word through her Ladyblog, telling her viewers that the park is closing. Miss Bustier then says that if Mylène and Ivan want to stop it, she is with them. André tries to get Roger to stop the students, but Roger admits that he actually agrees with them. Various civilians show up to join the protests and all come together to protect the trees. Mayor Bourgeois is inundated with reporters and Nadja Chamack is harassing him about the project. Sensing the mayor’s anger and frustration, Shadow Moth then akumatizes him back into the Maledictator with a sentimonster to assist him with amokization, the Mega Leech, which can shrink and multiply.

Malekdictator then jumps into the stomach of his sentimonster, Mega Leech, and orders him to create millions of clones of himself. Everyone tries to escape, but Mega Leech’s Maledictator clones expand and penetrate the eardrums of various civilians. Ivan gets a hit for Mylène and she runs away in fear. Adrien hides behind a pillar nearby to transform.

Marinette attempts to transform in the alley, but is stopped by Mylène, who suggests they hide in the sewers. Marinette then makes an excuse that she can’t hide in the sewers because she’s afraid of them. Mylène reveals that she is afraid of the dark, dampness, germs and even mice and was also afraid of protesting the mayor, but she overcame them and found the courage to move on, admitting that it is a natural reflex. Mylène then gives her a badge that she always carries with her in case she gets scared. Marinette accepts the badge and goes into the sewers. Acting like a mind-controlled victim of the Maledictator, Marinette freaks out Mylène. Tikki appears and Marinette admits she had no choice, then quickly transforms.

Ladybug meets Cat Noir and immediately summons her Lucky Charm and gets the skates. The ice skate is then used to destroy the wing of the nearest clone, releasing the akuma and amok. Ladybug was about to use her Miraculous Ladybug, but is stopped by Cat Noir, who points out that Mega Leech and the Maledictator clones are still causing havoc. Ladybug then realizes that when Malekdictator used his sentimonster to clone himself, Amok and Akuma were able to reproduce as well. Ladybug asks Cat Noir to distract the clones to buy some time. Cat Noir questions why she’s always the one to distract the others, but Ladybug leaves without saying anything.

In the Sewers, Mylène cries and blames herself for this problematic situation. Ladybug comforts Mylène and reveals that she knows how to defeat the Maledictor. When she starts giving Mylène Miraculous, Mylène stops her by admitting that she has so many fears and that they make her unworthy. Ladybug then tells her that she has overcome many of these fears and all the badges she has ever used are like Miraculous and she fights every day to protect the thing without realizing it, like she has a secret identity. In addition, Ladybug tells her that Mylène is already a superhero and just needs one last spell. Mylène finally accepts the Miraculous Mouse and is immediately frightened by Mullo, causing Mylène to hide behind Ladybug. Ladybug tells Mull that it’s not cool and tells Mylène that “true bravery is not the absence of fear, it’s carrying on with the fear”. Mylène eventually transforms into Polymouse. Polymouse then asks about the plan, to which Ladybug replies that she will take care of the sentimonsters and Polymouse will take care of the clones. As she walked past the end of the sewers, she overcomes her fear and activates Multitude, her power.

By Dev

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